Looking at the PLC Checklist survey summary results, we find that the cluster with the highest scores had the greatest increase in pass rate on the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) for all students, Hispanic, English Learners, and Socio-Economically Disadvantaged, surpassing the county and state. Especially noted, the Hispanic students in this cluster exceeded the district pass rate, which included six other high schools. The cluster with the lowest scores had the lowest increase in pass rate on the CAHSEE for the same groups, with pass rates below the district, county and state.
The presentation will share these data and will describe how teachers were mentored to become leaders who design and implement effective professional development and support teachers to create research-based lesson plans, implementation of high quality daily teaching, and provide each student access to relevant and meaningful mathematics experiences. It will also show how teacher leaders were prepared and coached to become effective facilitators using data and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, PRIME Leadership Framework.